Music and Art = Water and Education

'From The Annexe' is a collective of musicians, set up to raise awareness and funds for a small, UK based, registered charity

'Oasis Relief' Reg'd Charity No. 1181996

The work we do in Zambia

The music and art presented here celebrates the life of our friend Maureen Shepherd, whose drive, passion and commitment was an inspiration to anyone she met.
Maureen sadly passed away on July 21st 2022, but through the charity, 'Oasis Relief ', her fierce determination to help those in need has achieved some amazing results;

101 Boreholes dug to date, bringing clean, safe water to over 100,000 people who were in desperate need.
2 Schools have developed way beyond what would have been possible without Maureen's passion.
2 Clinics would not exist at all.

It was her wish that we do not abandon the people who have come to rely on the charity.
With your help we can keep her dream alive!

Thank You ‘From The Annexe’ From Mwende Village

This is what this project 'From The Annexe' is all about!! Your donations and purchases have made it possible to sink this borehole in Mwende Village in October last year. You can see for yourselves what it means to them. We also funded another borehole at Mutangama Village. This year our Oasis Relief Trustees will be travelling out to Zambia again in October. I would love to be able to send them off with funds for another borehole.

New Album now available to buy;

CD (including download) or Download only, of our New Album ‘Life’ available from 26th May 2023, each priced at £7.00 Click on the cover to take you to our store. Payment can be made by PayPal, Debit or Credit Card.



From The Annexe

Upcoming Live Performances


Sun July 21st - Didsbury Guitar Trail - Main Stage 1.30pm to 2pm. (Acoustic Graham & Karen) FREE ENTRY

Sat Aug 10th - Private Garden Party - Charity Event to raise funds for Oasis Relief - Full Band plus Guest performers - INVITE ONLY

Sat Aug 31st - Distant Hills Brewing -  Charity Event to raise funds for Oasis Relief - Full Band plus Guest Performers (TBA) - FREE ENTRY

Graham's ‘From The Annexe’ album 'Life' 

Fundraiser for Oasis Relief 

Total Raised £1115

I am overwhelmed to be able to tell you that we have raised £1115, not including any gift aid we may receive. Having only had a Borehole Challenge at Christmas, where we raised £2110, I was being very optimistic running another one so soon after and did not expect to raise even this much. Your generosity is overwhelming. Bernadette and Pam, the 2 trustees of the charity, are flying out to Zambia on 5th October , at their own expense to supervise 8 more boreholes being dug, and to see how the schools and clinics are getting on. They are also taking with them some school uniforms that have been generously donated. This is why I ran another one so soon, so they had as much funds as possible to take with them.

When I started the fundraisers it was costing about £2000 to sink a borehole. Since then the exchange rate has gone in our favour and it is now about £1500 to sink a borehole. So, as we have raised £3225 plus some gift aid, we will be able to pay for 2 of the boreholes. These will be dedicated to From The Annexe and when they return from Zambia I will post some photos so that you can see what you have donated for. 

I cannot thank you all enough!!! 

And don’t forget that every £2 donated brings water to a child and every £10 water to a family. It is truly life changing.

You can continue to donate at any time.

